The first event of the year is always special. It’s like being lost in a desert and then catching a glimpse of an oasis.
As the UK automotive season winds down with the arrival of winter, the first event you plan to attend in the new season feels like a beacon of hope. This was especially true for many enthusiasts in England looking forward to January 2025’s Bicester Scramble. However, just the day before the event, weather warnings were issued, and snow fell across the country overnight. Snow is rare in the UK, so the big question was: Would the event go ahead? And if it did, would people even be able to make it?

I spent the evening making snowballs and throwing them at my family, but also kept an eye on the Scramble’s social media for any updates. All hope was not lost when, at around midnight, I peeked out the window and saw that the snow had stopped. I had never been so happy to see rain; things were looking up!

The next morning, I woke up early, put on half a dozen layers of clothing, and stepped outside. I couldn’t let the first UK car event of the year slip away. After grabbing a hot chocolate, I turned on the heated seats in my car and slowly made my way toward Bicester.

Given all the snow and slush on the roads, I figured it would be a quieter Scramble. But, as it turned out, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Standing at the entrance of Bicester Motion, chatting with friends and acquaintances, I couldn’t believe my eyes. Car after car kept arriving. Each vehicle was filled with smiling occupants, all excited to meet fellow enthusiasts in the midst of some stunning machinery.

And there was something for everyone. Subaru owners were out in force, putting their all-wheel-drive grip to good use. I’d never seen so many Imprezas at a Scramble before.

Land Rover owners were also in their element. My favourite sight was an ex-fire brigade Series 2 Land Rover recently bought by a talented young photographer.
But it wasn’t just practical cars that had braved the weather. At the other end of the spectrum were the supercars. A friend from the Supercar Driver Club was a bit worried that morning, but when I saw him later, he was beaming from ear to ear, standing next to over 30 machines spanning Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Porsches, McLarens, and more.

Petrolheads are often at risk of being classed as odd, and non-petrolheads simply don’t understand the appeal of cars. Sure, they’re just metal and parts, but the love we have for them goes beyond that. The car community has always been special to me – it’s inclusive and welcoming to all enthusiasts. No car goes unappreciated.

Despite the wintry conditions, the energy at the first Bicester Scramble of 2025 was palpable. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think it was the middle of summer! Almost.

After a few hours, I was completely soaked through, but that couldn’t take any of the shine off what I consider the perfect start to the year.
Jathu Thillai
Instagram: jathuthillai
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